
i have so many things to look forward to. everything is fine, and i am accepting everything that is not fine for what it is. i am almost done reading "no one belongs here more than you" by miranda july. it makes me want to write short stories that mean something to someone. last night i was laying in bed at 3 in the morning and all i wanted to do was go to my laptop and write. i should have just done it, but i decided it'd be best if i just let myself fall asleep instead. this song makes me happy. i hope you feel the same way too.


leandra.b said...

That song was adorable.
I gave that book to a friend of mine last christmas, but I never read it myself. WEIRD.

M. said...

Mick Burrs has a poem that says the the difference between a writer and regular person is- a writer gets up in the middle of night, turns on a light to make a note, a regular person thinks they will remember and goes to bed.